Saturday, December 3, 2005

Softball Camps In Southern Califorina

# 4 # 5 # 3

Darumtor reaches Hogwarts, or "how to get into Hogwarts with Nata a guest star who refuses categorically to get into the world of Harry Potter."

Daruma is a big fan of webcomics, in fact he was discovered as such sites, and among the most favorite joke is Elftor brings. That and his sick mind Darumtor born, it says " Hooray.

fear I had some time to hang this strip because it is a private joke that many people do not understand. So some explanation would not hurt ... Hooray is a cry that is repeated in almost every Elftor strips, and cheese comes in the wake of Cheesetor, the inseparable companion of true Elftor. Yes, Cheesetor is a ... cheese.

Luckily people do not know the context to which it was spent before publishing also laughed ... : P I recommend visiting the original Elftor ^ ^


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