Saturday, December 3, 2005

Crystal Lenses For Cataracts


March 2004

Sorry so sorry Sorry! Diox mine, I did not think had been so long since the last update ... 4 months! Yuhu, is anybody there? I have no forgiveness, so I guess it is not worth anything to tell you that I have this strip drawn in the book since before Christmas but so far I had not organized enough to get to it ... Anyway, from now on I have no firm intention let more than one month between each update>. \u0026lt;annoys me what happened, because among other things had a few strips Christmas they will have to wait until next December ... finally, I leave you with the fifth: P
the day landing at Hogwarts through the Muggle Studies classroom will be greatly remembered. Once the download stop porno Slytherin, the Gryffindor stop (try to) link in the chat Terra, the Hufflepuff stop playing to throw the penguin and Ravenclaw is convinced that all they need is in the books, someone one day discover the fandom.

This strip came to me After visiting The Restricted Section and think for a moment, "what opinarían them?" Imagine that you are Harry Potter and one day Terminais by chance in a page about you that has made a fan. Excited, you walk through the sections until you reach one of Fanfiction. Fanfiction?

And then ... presto! Bundled with your worst enemy! Tied to your sponsor! With your uncle! With your mother! (True) or all at once!


I'm exaggerating now. The case is that of solidarity with the poor Hermione, usually along with Snape's character the most Out of character portrayed in the fanfiction, this is my particular view of "The day that Hermione found fandom;) November 2003


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