Friday, December 23, 2005

What Does A Goat Look Like

# 7 # 8 # 6

A r. Severus Scrooge not particularly excited for Christmas. Albus Dumbledore is

Santa Claus every day of the year.

That explains many things ...

This strip would have Muppets, singing animals, movement 3D and soundtrack by John Williams, but I am a person much given to leave everything to the last time the guys at Weta Workshop, the Henson Company and Williams have come home for Christmas. Next time.

Happy holidays to those who celebrate it, Happy New Year to those who follow the Gregorian calendar, happy holiday season without remarkable for others:)

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Can Pregnant Women Get Worms

First of a new era. I drop my head in shame thinking for nearly two years after the last strip. The new HCN is drawn with tablet and has a home in LJ but I have not yet clear whether resurrect so I will just hang what you do in two hours when the neural me like this.

What a bitch please, Ralph Fiennes has made him to Voldemort, has gone from being a character without charisma that I never thought I would dedicate a strip to a comic-psychotic body-inviolable most amazing eyes of the universe and transparent tunic. Not to mention Niiiii Barty. I want to marry Niiiii Barty. I need not say nice things, I just get me the tongue from time to time.

That has sounded considerably worse than expected.

I say without shame, yes, I saw Pasión de Gavilanes. I'm going to miss the final hours by disagreements between a3 and courses and do not know INEM what bothers me. Barty's costume is directly inspired by Rosario Montes, which is after pairing Sarita / most handsome Franco has walked through the Hacienda Elizondo

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Crystal Lenses For Cataracts


March 2004

Sorry so sorry Sorry! Diox mine, I did not think had been so long since the last update ... 4 months! Yuhu, is anybody there? I have no forgiveness, so I guess it is not worth anything to tell you that I have this strip drawn in the book since before Christmas but so far I had not organized enough to get to it ... Anyway, from now on I have no firm intention let more than one month between each update>. \u0026lt;annoys me what happened, because among other things had a few strips Christmas they will have to wait until next December ... finally, I leave you with the fifth: P
the day landing at Hogwarts through the Muggle Studies classroom will be greatly remembered. Once the download stop porno Slytherin, the Gryffindor stop (try to) link in the chat Terra, the Hufflepuff stop playing to throw the penguin and Ravenclaw is convinced that all they need is in the books, someone one day discover the fandom.

This strip came to me After visiting The Restricted Section and think for a moment, "what opinarían them?" Imagine that you are Harry Potter and one day Terminais by chance in a page about you that has made a fan. Excited, you walk through the sections until you reach one of Fanfiction. Fanfiction?

And then ... presto! Bundled with your worst enemy! Tied to your sponsor! With your uncle! With your mother! (True) or all at once!


I'm exaggerating now. The case is that of solidarity with the poor Hermione, usually along with Snape's character the most Out of character portrayed in the fanfiction, this is my particular view of "The day that Hermione found fandom;) November 2003

Softball Camps In Southern Califorina

# 4 # 5 # 3

Darumtor reaches Hogwarts, or "how to get into Hogwarts with Nata a guest star who refuses categorically to get into the world of Harry Potter."

Daruma is a big fan of webcomics, in fact he was discovered as such sites, and among the most favorite joke is Elftor brings. That and his sick mind Darumtor born, it says " Hooray.

fear I had some time to hang this strip because it is a private joke that many people do not understand. So some explanation would not hurt ... Hooray is a cry that is repeated in almost every Elftor strips, and cheese comes in the wake of Cheesetor, the inseparable companion of true Elftor. Yes, Cheesetor is a ... cheese.

Luckily people do not know the context to which it was spent before publishing also laughed ... : P I recommend visiting the original Elftor ^ ^

Can You Put A Chocolate Bar In A Blender

November 2003

Well ... ehem ... first private joke of the page, but I hope that those who are not aware of mental harassment (mobbing?) to which I submitted Riva and Padme with stories about big noses also makes them grace>. \u0026lt;

potions class, Riva and Vesta. I know the Riva Silvercrown Ravenclaw of fiction looks like Alyson Hannigan and therefore straight hair, but the Riva of fiction ever make comments like this strip. It's actually a mix between the fictional and real, so it curled hair. The two are Ravenclaws but Riva Death has a lot more bad blood ... And I know it would be this cruel to my poor Vesta, which is an innocent and naive girl vv

That's it. If you do not know what they say about men with big noses xD
Ask them to them in November 2003

Ginger Gene Punnett Square

HCN HCN HCN # 1 # 2

Strip dedicated to Sn! Per, with whom I share a civilized (most of the time xP) to the Weasley twins ... And Snape's first appearance since a lot of people wondered why I did not appear in the first strip xDDDD I love drawing Snape because it is very easy to color, and I hate coloring so we get along: P With the rest of the characters I have to use brushes to review some areas, however Snape's clothing is fixed in two fillings at all ... First

background. And it may last ... is that the funds do very badly, so for now I will draw only the strictly necessary. Obviously I had to draw the Quidditch pitch to not look like it was flying Harry Hogwarts, but other locations are irrelevant. Currades fine excuse eh? ^ __ ^

How To Make Model Knee Joint

October 2003:

I do not like Harry. Following this premise that is best understood as the strip .... do not think a fan of children had done anything like glasses ^ ^ U As secondary guest, Vesta, and known as secondary, Hermione. No funds because I was dying to start passing it to personal:) I know

Hogwarts uniforms have not colored jerseys, but I preferred to inserting contact lenses in accordance with the main color of their homes and ties with the child for mere convenience. .. If I have to start making ties I can die stripes> __ \u0026lt;