Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Causes A Twisted Bowel In A Female

clericalization society and the state or creeping clericalization?

Руководство JSC "Russian milk" under threat of dismissal openly demanded that the employees respect the norms of a number of Orthodox Christianity.

Moscow Picket ECM in support of religion

February 2 in St. Petersburg
action against clericalism society and the state

Administration of the Central District of St. Petersburg has agreed an anticlerical campaign on Feb. 2, 2010. It will start at 16.00 at the site between buildings of the Kazan Cathedral and the Pedagogical University. AI Herzen (Kazan street, 3).

February 2, 2011 1993 marks the date of the People's Commissars Decree of the RSFSR "On the separation of church and state and school and church." The decree mandates the equal rights of all citizens, regardless of the presence or absence their religious beliefs, introduced a secular marriage, and forbade the teaching of religious subjects in public schools; nationalized church property.

formally and in modern Russia guaranteed freedom of conscience and secular authorities, the inability to establish a unified State religion (Article 28 and 14 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). However, de facto, we are faced with the reverse process, which we have referred to as creeping clericalization State and society. Under the pretext of spirituality and religious discipline, "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" is included in mandatory programs schools of 21 regions of Russia. Efforts of the ROC restored institution of military clergy. Campaign is gaining momentum for Assigned Church of cultural values. Already Act came into force on the transfer of property to religious organizations for religious purposes, state and municipal property. " Contrary to the principle of equality before the law of all faiths, the state without hesitation demonstrates its support for the Russian Orthodox Church. Its hierarchical do not go on television, claiming to have a special role is clearly unconstitutional branch.
expressing disagreement with such a situation, the organizers shares urge all concerned people of secular humanist beliefs to join the action on Feb. 2, 2010 to its preparation have already joined, such organizations like the Revolutionary Komsomol - RKSM (b), the Federation of Socialist Youth, Socialist Resistance, Resistance movement of the Peter Alexeyev. It is expected the participation of representatives of scientific and educational community of the city.

«Portal With redo . Ru «: Jacob Gavrilovic, could you comment on the situation in the Catholic Church in connection with a scandal involving widespread accusations of Catholic clergy in pedophilia?

priest Yakov Krotov: I think that we are not talking about the accusations of pedophilia as such. Все образованные люди понимают, что процент священников-педофилов совершенно ничтожен. Речь идет об обвинениях иерархии Католической Церкви (образованные people are able to distinguish it) in reviewing decisions of the Second Vatican Council. The church is transformed into a structure that cuts off all the creative and free for the sake of power, discipline and unanimity, that is converted to the Bolshevik Party.

- We are talking about canceling the line of Vatican II?

- Yes. It is a process that, in general, is inevitable, because after any reform movement is in breadth, or is not. Process associated with the fact that the head Catholic Church is located in the West - in Western Europe and America. And this head lives in completely different circumstances than the opposite of that located in Latin America, Asia and Africa.

These people now live in the XIII - XIV centuries of European history. They still had no Renaissance, no nothing. Accordingly, for them the Church - is, above all, powerful body - so they have to it and relate.

And advocates of reform, as I understand it, and secular society - they just use the impunity of pedophiles - it's primarily about this - to illustrate what the return is fraught with to the medieval model of the Church.

- That is, this antipedofilskaya campaign - an attempt to oppose the revision of decisions of the Second Vatican Council? ..



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