Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nadine Jansen Fotos Big Tits

renounce ...

6 days after my birthday, I get a nasty news ... We met two years, making fans almost always have their summit dose summit. And relga was simple: DO NOT SPREAD SUMMIT in any medium. As you know, we had a few problems but we work things out peacefully. In almost all the fansub (especially of this genre), the summit took their links and redirected to our website. Today, just half an hour ago, I found on youtube, a ton of summit with our sources. They have removed the credit page, but still broke the rule. Not even were coordial to e-mail asking for permission. So thanks to a few nice, I, Bellavista, I quit. There will be no more summit ... And tell people, and translated Alura's World Vol 7 ... and I say, Vol 8?? and the new 9?? and better if the author continues ... the new cap?? So, I retire ... not in the way as expected ... but with a knife in my heart.

People will say: Why am I so poor? "And I ask: why you can not enforce a simple rule. eh?! So paid to the person who has worked hard?? Know how hard it is to translate one language to another?? Collins Dictionary and more ???!!!

NOTE: rolling and DJ also abandoned totally captivated (indeed, the latter being translated until recently, the two new Kotori sent me ...). It will

warned you ... and now, not anymore .... Thanks