Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Succinylcholine Chloride Where To Buy

WTF! What

I pass two week off the internet and fandom, and again when I finds that with . And

[info] yaoi_daily suspicion and danger of being suspended because it listed only "incest" as one of his interests, which now turns out to be mortal sin.

What The Fuck, LJ?.

Trying to become the new

(although this will make the fandom more entertaining for a few days, just now I should be studying for exams. Misery pork)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Trailer Tires, Columbia Sc

slow agony of the blossoming almond trees ...

know why they say that pets end up resembling their owners?. I concluded that computers too. At least in my

happens. As spring comes and I take my oppressive and inexplicable anguish that ensues when I trees (increasingly rare) start to bloom and the days are longer, my computer, in a rare gesture of solidarity, has a very serious crisis. Two years ago was a very aggressive virus. Last spring, the total failure of the memory card. This April has returned to be a virus. Affinity

woman machine. Spring-fatality.

Spring means to me, the season of almond trees in bloom, light intangible of nausea existential, i ara, dairy, dels informàtics disaster. The meua estació

preferred. Hauri tothom Perquè