Monday, December 3, 2007
Unusual Crock Pot Uses
Possible relocation to existential hiatus. Someone sent me a
Sax for the year. A sixty kilometers from my village. A whole world to me. From the windows of the institute is the cemetery. Sometimes, while students disturb me quede looking tombs minutes and minutes. They are so close that I think that if it were not for my fourteen diopters would be able to read the names of the tombstones. Tomorrow
begin to look flat. Die without internet and without Heart of the City.
Pig Misery. With admirable unconsciousness
Monday, October 22, 2007
Hemoglobin Dissociation At High Altitudes
* STOLEN Arenc viciously ...
1-To clean something else must become dirty, but you can mess around without cleaning anything.
2-Everybody lies, but it does not matter because nobody listens.
3-The experience is something that is not obtained until after it takes.
4-It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
5-The snoring is the first to fall asleep.
6-glory may be fleeting, but anonymity is eternal.
7-Whenever things look easy is because we do not hear all the instructions.
8-There are two kinds of people, those who care about things and dealing with them.
9-Two monologues do not make a dialogue.
10-one is listening until you make a mistake.
11-Even the water tastes bad when taken by prescription.
12-Most people deserve each other.
13-To err is human. Blaming someone that is even more human.
14-All good things in life are illegal, immoral or make fat.
15-Do not get mad; desquítese.
16-The Hell is other people.
17-Wear appropriate clothing and paper representing himself.
18-Nothing is more respectable than an ancient evil.
19-An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.
20-No real problem has a solution.
21-There is nothing so small that it can not blow out of proportion.
22-If it's worth doing is worth overdoing. 23-Always
an easier way of doing things.
24-Nothing is gone forever.
25-The fastest way to find something is to start looking for something else.
26-If something can fail, fail.
27-If you can not convince, confuse them.
28-Nothing is ever for the right reason. 29-
can not fall off the floor. 30-Enough
research support any theory.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
How Long Does Dewormer Take To Work Cat
genes, I enrolled in the doctoral program.
I do not want to because I know, but I came back to send home information and when I read that there were exciting subjects such as: evolution in the order of syntactic constituents. Application to the position of qualifying adjectives in Romance and Germanic areas grabbed me as a fit and I could not remedy.
Oh, sir, not escarmente ever.
These are the top 106 books most Often marked as "unread" by LibraryThing's users. As usual, bold what you have read, italicise that you started but could not finish, and strike through what you could not stand. * Add an asterisk * to thoose've read more than once. Underline Those on your to-read list
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Anna Karenina Crime and Punishment (long, however)
Catch-22 One Hundred Years of Solitude
Wuthering Heights * The Silmarillion Life of Pi
a novel The Name of the Rose Don Quixote
Moby Dick Ulysses Madame Bovary
The Odyssey Pride and Prejudice * Jane Eyre *
A Tale of Two Cities The Brothers Karamazov
Guns, Germ, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
War and Peace
Vanity Fair
The Time Traveler's Wife
The Iliad*
The Blind Assassin
The Kite Runner
Mrs. Dalloway
Great Expectations
American Gods
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Atlas Shrugged
Reading Lolita in Tehran : A Memoir in Books
Memoirs of a Geisha (un horror de llibre)
Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
The Canterbury Tales
The Historian : A Novel
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Love in the Time of Cholera
Brave New World
The Fountainhead
Foucault's Pendulum
The Count of Monte Cristo
Dracula *
A Clockwork Orange
Anansi Boys (someday I will read everything you wrote Neil Gaiman)
The Eleven and Future King (oxtia, I was so obsessed with these books when I was little. fuelte That which fuelte, see the list) The Grapes of Wrath
The Poisonwood Bible: A Novel
Angels & Demons The Inferno The Satanic Verses
Sense and Sensibility * The Picture of Dorian Gray Mansfield
Park (look I'm sorry but I can not stand this book. I can not, I can not) One Flew Over the
Cuckoo's Nest To the Lighthouse
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Oliver Twist * Gulliver's Travels Les Misérables
(was too long, when the page was 1340 I just lost interest in what it could happen again to Jean Valjean, Cosette, Marius and the company's remaining 900 pages . not worth. Sometimes novelists also contain must know)
The Corrections The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay The Curious Incident
of the Dog in the Night-Time (What OMG! bad book! I can not stand it when I want to teach it so obvious and so sad)
Dune The Prince (in English do not have the title no idea what book this is, so I do not know if I read or not)
The Sound and the Fury
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
The God of Small Things
A People's History of the United States : 1492-Present
Cryptonomicon Neverwhere A Confederacy of Duncan
A Short History of Nearly Everything Dubliners
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Beloved
The Scarlet Letter Eats, Shoots & Leaves The Mists of Avalon
Oryx and Crake: A Novel
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed Cloud Atlas
The Confusion Lolita Persuasion
* Northanger Abbey The Catcher in the Rye * On the Road
(the truth is that Beatnik are not of my holy devotion)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Freakonomics: a Rogue Economist Explorer the Hidden
Side of Everything Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values The Aeneid
(the Aeneid, more I read it, I translated)
Watership Down Gravity's Rainbow
* The Hobbit In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences *
Treasure Island David Copperfield * The Three Musketeers
PD. Surely there'll Hall, this year either. I do not know exactly for sure, but I think it will not.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Make Recipe Handbag Cake Custom
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Usb Sound Card With Paltalk
After reading a few texts and debates about the theft of books, I decided to make a kind of meme of shame, ie, a calculation of the books I have at home but I have not bought, I have neither inherited nor have given them to me, nor left, ie, a list of books I've stolen all along my already-not-so-brief life.
(And doing it that I am a n'adone furtadora books of the worst kind, namely those s not stealing books in the malls, but in libraries / roommate, which puts me at the height of a moral leech)
Maurice, EM Forster; Borrascosas summits, of Emily Brontë; Man Sun, Bernardo Atxaga; a library Barcelona public
In reality, these are not books that I steal, but I never returned. I then was eighteen, he studied philosophy in a strange city, suffering from melancholy to 600 kms from anyone who might have loved me and helped me, and wore their hair dyed green. I picked these three books in the library and on the date that had returned, I did not. I suppose that I forgot. Or not. In those days, there were days that I did leave a big house. I do not know when something touches the moment, and then, when more time passes, more cost?. I was afraid to look reprobatòria surrender of the library (as if the library is not seen similar cases every day). But I've always been very cowardly, and when I was young, but it was more. So I have weakness for strong and determined characters, because they are everything I'm not illegal but ASPIRE lusament be. So instead of facing the problem myself in the library and the economic fine, I closed my eyes, I pretend that there were no books axes, finished the school year, and when I leave the floor, got into the suitcase with the other books that were really mine. And then, became mine too, because forever stayed in my village, my bookshelf. Possession of these three books I read were not many, because I never shot a book of a municipal public library in Barcelona. And editing Summit Borrascosas even worth.
Strangers On A Train, the book Patricia Highsmith
also not returned, rather than stolen, only that it was not because of cowardice, but rather circumstances paranormal / computer. It is a book I draw the General Library of the University of Alicante. When I went to renew it, the librarian told me, watching your computer screen, I could not renew anything, because he had no book feature. Furthermore, according to the computer, the library of the AU had no copy of Strangers On A Train in its catalog. I did not have the physical book with me when I renew books generally not Duke, it seems unnecessarily load weight, so I could not refute the library or the almighty computer. When I got home, I took the book, I opened the first page and watched the blue label and the barcode that marked as property of the library of the AU. And I remember the tone of exasperation in the library told me that had to be confused, he wanted to renew the book did not exist. And I ask: what do I not exist?. And the book stayed in my room forever. A gesture
ugly but then I thought of the most logical.
Written in the Sand, by Herman Hesse; Between the Acts, by Virginia Woolf
The only two books I've stolen with premeditation and treachery.
The first was a roommate, a person with a great literary taste awful. There, this kind of people. It was from his collection that I first read Chekhov. For this reason alone you should be grateful, but the truth is that she was living with a hell and even now when I think of it the hate. When I left the floor with a gesture pretty child, I decided to take me one of his books resarcir me everything that had been passed. Why I choose this and not another, is to present my self genuine mystery. With nineteen years, had other priorities literature. The Mirella stolen should now different, or probably would not have stolen.
The circumstances of the second are a little more complicated. Between the Acts is a special book for me. It was the first book I read of Woolf, in February 1993, when he was young and impressionable. I have not ever read again, because I'm afraid to ruin that record romantic literary revelation supreme. I told you that I am a coward: I'm afraid to reread it and discover it, it was not for so much that all the excitement that I saw his reading was the fruit of my youth and inexperience with the literary techniques of the twentieth century. Until then I preferred the 1993 Victorian novel, and nineteenth-century American classics, Poe, above. Between the Acts With I discovered modernist literature, and this makes especially significant for me.
But hey, we were going to the theft of the book: one day, beetle among the library books in my village, I saw that they had not one but two copies of Between the Acts . One who had never shot anyone in 20 years, and another who had only taken one person: I, 1993. Then I went to talk to the librarian: I explained that the book, that this particular specimen, physical, wearing my signature (solitary) printed on the ticket loan dated February 93, meant a lot to me, and because defendant was not a long book and another copy was already available to prospective readers, perhaps you could give me. Or sell it to me. And the librarian told me no. That was not orthodox. And you want to tell you, that archive negative, but understandable (I know it was not orthodox) made me angry. Because the library of my people and I've known for many years. Because he knows how I like to read and what books mean to me, and I spent hours in that library, and all the books I have read (and I know this does not justify anything). In s'endemà, I went and I took the book. Nobody told me anything, but because no one has noticed. Occasionally I òbric and the other copy that must Between the Acts, to see if someone is shot, but it does anyone. Nobody cares That book, my people, except me. And I know what I did is very wrong, but I do it again. The fetish that I have That particular book of Woolf earning much my moral fortitude. I'm so pathetic of
Monday, July 9, 2007
Can You Use Milk In Keurig
What Mirella 30 years ago and, in addition to not having ever said a driving school, youth still have acne.
With remarkable nuance that your acne probably is not likely to be young, but nervous.
And, truth be told, the proof of this fact no console at all.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Best Foreign Etf 2010
"Be good and do not be sinners ..."
Hello I want to introduce my new section:
fanfics NANO
was out looking for what made him evil to him when he was with him .... Blush like a teenager to think and then tore my clothes off in front of those who make it their own and away he went.
wanted to hug him and feel his arms on his back next to the skin fervent screamed to be kissed by her cold lips, that torture was particularly feel that their eyes fixed on but was not there.
What I can do if your looking at me like, implying that I am a girl obsessed with the feelings hidden it, dream to be in his arms, feeling his hands tearing at my clothes and kissed me my whole being and make me help him and then feel inside it, feel its panting in my neck and my back asking for balance my hips so you can get pleasure ... neither has dared to speak I read books on alchemy in a lonely corridor and working or pretending ... work in your office draw or signing papers, by which you miss a bit of me.
Last time I heard saying that I was a child ... let alone show that sin exists and test the hell in bed or wherever, burning with his touch ... a sin that can be damaged.
I ... word of five letters as well as love ...
"Colonel" Ed said looking up encountering two black eyes "I have nothing to say ..." his golden eyes looking and self control of his hands to take anything away ... there is nobody, nobody can see it's late ...
Approaching Elric stood is determined not only think about kissing him ... at first only felt his lips against the cold, looking at Roy closed his eyes. Ed could not believe what I was feeling Sin ...
the hand slowly went back to the colonel, then stick your neck to push her head towards him, then felt like the hands of Colonel wandered into his shirt that separating it off him. Then the same unbuttoned revealing his scars that he eventually began to draw with their hands, then with his lips down to her navel, below, his hands were busy with the belt, but Roy was not only enjoying his standing desire. Tumbo Ed on the table and completely naked, prompting her braid, Ed just laughed out loud for his wickedness to the colonel's lips feel throughout your body and stop kissing, licking, sucking all his being, feeling A volcano exploded into it and into his mouth. Roy
let him clean until everything was out and wondering how his back would be tomorrow. Because love takes on a bed or no?
But ... then came the remorse, feeling breathless and naked, dirty ... had proved vulnerable to a subordinate, a child who was looking confused from the table.
Action mechanism and began collecting his scattered clothes in despair, walking backwards, run into a wall and slipped feeling the cold headstone What had I done? His whole world had collapsed and began to mourn. Ed under the table a little embarrassed by his nakedness and have enjoyed just could not believe that Roy was crying.
approached and touched his head with his automail, giving the impression that he had not felt anything Roy leaving with his eyes and looked, Ed just wiped her tears and smiled ... "going too fast" kiss his forehead and hug him falling asleep on the floor naked, believing that the greatest sin is to dream that you love when you just want and forget that you are human and they take more than a cold.
Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ † † † † † "ROOM 713" Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ † † † † † †
You never learn until you lose a person you never thought love ...
else could go for a kiss, a caress, sleep with the morning and getting up, getting dressed and leaving him asleep in a seedy flophouse ...
If I had known that morning would be the last in which the flip your hair smell and feel its warm heat, would be safe that they have been taken and make it his one and more times and pronounce the words in that relationship was forbidden to pronounce ... I LOVE YOU ... not just a whim, but because his situation did not warrant even fall in love and learn to know what was truly make the "love"
Even when it hurt remembered as Edward Elric and began their capricious relationship ...
Edward had been wounded in the middle of a field of war against the homunculi just remembered that I try as he could defeat a chimera and ran Mandita Ed to prevent a chimera would give the final blow to the throat to make this stop breathing
What made you small ...? - Could not help but pronounce that word, Ed just opened his eyes and began to mourn ... That child, that child would be the ruin of their world ... the one I choose to draw a transmutation circle and embrace their head now resting against your thighs ... The hospital
Colonel sacked all to rest. In the darkness of the night approached the bed where the youngest idiot, dog of the military as he slept ... I caress her cheek with their bare hands ... under his neck ... his breathing and his heart had begun to accelerated ... sweating ... unbuttoned the top button of her pajamas ... patiently unbuttoned the other buttons ...
- what the hell are you doing! "too exalted a whisper came from the lips of Edward ... - ... Colonel ..." "now both looked ... Roy had a look that could be ... but that look back shiver Edward "... continued Colonel, you owe my life ... I have to pay you, thank you ... Roy was felt to be negligible but even more he realized how they had joined their lips and their tongues were intertwined in passionate and warm dance, Roy began to gain ground as he felt his hand pulling him towards Edward, Roy broke away abruptly with a grunt ... the the shadows began to undress ... Ed had fallen on account of the perverse desires that kept from long ago demonstrating with indifference in the furtive glances they both had ... now with a headache and could not do anything; Mustang was too anxious, too much to be desired denied.
-colonel tell me why your nervous ... "whispered Ed while Mustang slid his hand across his bare back and positioned delicately on a pillow, soft fingers, cold on hot skin pajamas and flannel sheets longed that contact the heavy breathing ... in your ear, on your neck ... the rustle of loose hair that could rarely attend to your body.
The hands began to caress his chest, around the body ... a touch cold and hot, where the nails were gliding over the skin and teeth neck stroking electricity resulting in the pores of his companion.
His tongue caressed the neck, where your teeth could also play without asking anything in return was not practiced the law of equivalent states ... only pleasure and pain, gratitude and desire, so deeply mixed you can not distinguish one from another. Rods
become abrupt, nails that scratch, burning skin kisses ... to savor, cherish, skin scratching ... kissing, tasting, biting ...
Ed found a way to stop being passive turn around and kissing the Colonel angrily also learning to eat him ... his head and lack of automail not prevent forces to take his fingers tangled in the hair of Mustang and pull back, leaving the neck and chest of his strong than all available to start to bite furiously ... "gasp colonel asked the reason for his nervousness, Roy hit his back in bed, leaving the enzyme Ed, this is shrugged on his leg and began to caress the most sensitive parts , making the top went crazy ... of desire and pain ... - speak up! Why was I saved? "He said as he saw Roy in a state of excitement ever ever seen, Roy was being passive and submissive
-by ... that ... is the first time I do this ...
- ha! And say that I am an expert in catch me with any bastard who calls himself an army colonel who came cheap ...
save me - I did not think to call it bloody military dog! I wanted you to do ... "Her eyes shone in the darkness ..." well ... is not that did not have sex ... but it was the first time I try to make love to someone ... .- These words came out fast from her lips, without letting them get inside your brain process
Ed slowly wrapped her fingers around it, looked at the Mustang's face, eyes closed strong mind and a gesture of repentance having said that, his cheeks rosy ... Ed started moving his hand up and down looking for the courage to press his aching member while exploring their bodies' bidding. Suddenly, he found Roy moving his body in front of him, annealing under his touch, shuddering at the contact, looking for more against the movement of his hands on his hips.
- I still want to swallow that story?, You know why I do this? ... Because with a devil saved me from dying ...
her breasts were matched and had turned back, two bodies were licking, eating ... all mixing all becoming one, feelings, scents, skin, saliva, taste ...
A pale body on the back brown, delicate tongue every inch of skin testing, preparing a savior to a peculiar struggle to possess it completely, to make it his own, to unite their bodies by maximizing the feelings are these. Mustang voltage
say he wanted to make love to someone that ..! "If it were an animal would feel the same? Now I could not move, his desire to turn back to avoid the inevitable was coming. But the feelings were too strong to break away from that body to be rubbed against his, I heard that gasp as teeth sank into his ear and fingers penetrated her body ... could not impose his will on his body, despite As recurring hated that situation now.
There was no way to escape from those meetings, not when he wanted it so much, not when hot and bitter kisses were like a drug, not when he knew he would bite possibility that incomplete body, make your skin red, have a pleasure to sink its claws into the body of Elric and get to know your body ...
One hand is placed at its disposal and he turned his head and licked his fingers, the chewing, moaning, while groping hands back to touch her body while deftly dodging that tortured him with hands and tongue.
hand left his lips and turned it over. I wanted to look at him as she did hers. The eyes of both were found to be trying to imply that his super I shouted them to stop but the instinct that will not stop crying.
Mustang did not expect anything, pass their hands Elric's chest, stroking the well-formed chest and abdomen down that perfect ...
This was desirable, almost morbid those hands, long fingers and soft, but masculine, tightly gathered around his waist. The blond smiled as the brunette tried to relax the body, waiting ... I hate so much hate ... and so much desire, desire to join small he had saved hours before, to surrender completely, to flee or to stay there forever ...
Finally, a strong movement, abrupt, almost brutal. Hands clasped tightly at the waist, driving nails. Your baby's hands clutching the sheets, a cry, pain and pleasure there again, harder, and who had never gone ...
rhythmic movements, panting, warm hands, nails and teeth ... brutal assaults, powerful and fast growing ... pain ... mitigated by the pleasure ... or vice versa ...
Love and hate in their eyes, yellow eyes repentance, victory and defeat in blacks, bestiality and desire in both ... are damaging to each other in that struggle against love in this passionate struggle of naked bodies.
A current of electricity in both the pleasure and the fury at its finest ... Tan holding hands where they can, the body arched and tense, bare legs imprisoning the body of the blond, his mouth open in a scream of frustration ... and even more pleasure ... The blond in it, but also screaming through clenched teeth, his hands almost put in an envelope through the fabric sheets, her blond hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, his eyes nearly closed at the moment where both bodies peaked ...
Then both lying together, panting, one above the other, recovering the marks of passion and visible signs of an unrequited love, but of gratitude, marked all over his body soaked in sweat, scratches, bites, bruises and even
few drops of blood coming out of the worst scratches. Like a cat fight ...
then separated abruptly stopped touching, feeling the heat from the other and looked a sad and contemptuous smile of triumph, a frown with anger and shame and bright black eyes from humiliation and an admiration that could not hide.
without speaking, without looking again, Mustang dressed quietly in the semi darkness, with pain in many areas of his body, with pain have found an empty feeling and frustration, satisfaction and rest come without turning to look and body aches and your head, leaving a tear, I draw a smile but not make a comment ... "I wish
for your work you were so rude Mustang, good recovery had ... "and disappeared through the door ... As he walked away, many words echo in two minds, awakening new feelings ... but not for making an" I love you or an apology? Here I have some bad news ... I fell in love with you ...
Edward had left after midnight the hotel, waking only for a change ... thinking of how to get rid of that devilish
monster Mustang which was which reminded every time they had "sex" which had saved him. When he felt a sharp pain in his chest and felt a liquid output ... stores Mustang had hovered in the distance when he saw a lot of people stop and saw children crying ... when expanded blonde hair on the floor ran to her and took the head to put on her thighs ...
- What made you small? - his eyes crystallized by tears of pain were opened - I love you Roy Mustang ... gave his last breath and died ... ...
Roy cried until he could return more ... to the hospital room and took his gun closing shot forever Room 713, closing one more story of love.
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Sims 2 University No Cd Patch
Tomorrow I first present some exams and now I have serious difficulties for even breathed.
The irony of the Duke case is so bad that it should not even be nervous. Only Duke ready (ready, not studied) 10 of the 72 topics and I have not made the educational program, which is mandatory. So I
to see how this works the draw, get up and leave.
It is precisely for this reason why I'm so nervous, because I hate hate hate to introduce a test if I am not well prepared. I can not bear. I see so sterile. But I stayed with Villajoyosa's cultivated lands, which I happen to pick up the car, and a friend who has given certificates of training courses for teachers that we did together, not to mention my parents and his great concern for my future
Sometimes I wish things were different than they are. Why not pay to read? Why?
Saturday, June 23, 2007
What Does Mandi Want To Do.
First entry in this journal, well, I have nothing interesting to say, it's very late. Step again tomorrow, I hope, something to tell.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Succinylcholine Chloride Where To Buy
I pass two week off the internet and fandom, and again when I finds that with . And
yaoi_daily suspicion and danger of being suspended because it listed only "incest" as one of his interests, which now turns out to be mortal sin.
What The Fuck, LJ?.
Trying to become the new
(although this will make the fandom more entertaining for a few days, just now I should be studying for exams. Misery pork)
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Trailer Tires, Columbia Sc
know why they say that pets end up resembling their owners?. I concluded that computers too. At least in my
happens. As spring comes and I take my oppressive and inexplicable anguish that ensues when I trees (increasingly rare) start to bloom and the days are longer, my computer, in a rare gesture of solidarity, has a very serious crisis. Two years ago was a very aggressive virus. Last spring, the total failure of the memory card. This April has returned to be a virus. Affinity
woman machine. Spring-fatality.
Spring means to me, the season of almond trees in bloom, light intangible of nausea existential, i ara, dairy, dels informàtics disaster. The meua estació
preferred. Hauri tothom Perquè
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Eml Series E100 Wiring
40mph Over Speed Limit
By Ed kept close in an embrace as he looked through the window of the small room to the moon. Recalling his home, his real home, not the prison where they had been living for the past five years.
By Ed could feel strongly aforrándose on, her hands curled in his little back. I felt a chilling breath sigh of Al that was broken against his shoulder. Ed beating his brother's hair and the comfort he could give a "we'll be fine" said "the chimeras could not get the letter. They do not hit me until it took a long way back "
" I do not care about the letter, "said Al
" It makes no difference. The military did not come with the first five, they at least come with a more "Al leaned back and Ed could see the pain in his eyes
" It is really bad this time, Ed told you not to. The punish us again "
" Only me, "said Ed, his stomach sank. "You know it will not be just to you" Al was right. They had always been a good couple, and no matter As he had protested the idea of escaping Ed, Greed did not think so. And finally had to be more irritating with Ed, always using the most cruel punishments on how to crush his rebellion. Greed knew that the welfare of Al was locked in her heart, taking in his heart, taking his last punishment, trying to control others.
"Have you ever considered that I'm strong and I can not leave you," said Al smoothly. Ed'm listening, but did not believe it. Al could not possibly forget what it was before. The way they used to roam in their small town. As they watched the stars at night. As they once had the world to explore. Al could not possibly settle for being an Alchemist Greed serving the rest of his life. Of just go where I send. In only do what you said. In doing any alchemy to tell without asking why, or who, or how, or how this will affect someone else. A massacre of people is what made his alchemy. Lots of people. Horrible ways. How could Agreeing with this?
was true, as they played with the rules of Greed, he was generous with them. Never needed for food or books. Greed always had to travel, museums and showed them allowed a holiday on the ocean. But lately Greed had been more harsh on them - largely because Ed was damn bars on the window. The door closed at night. Greed then could dress in silk and have the sheets of his bed in the finest cotton money could buy, this does not mean much if you can not walk out the door when they wanted.
I'm not a kid anymore. I can not see under this thing forever, and probably will not let Al "I wonder what they will this time," Al muttered "Usually he does not expect this of us long before the story what he will." Ed pressed his lips making a determination. "I will not let you do something, I promise." But Al leaned away from him on the bed and turned away. "You can not make me that promise, brother. You can not save. Leave now." Ed curled up and looked again at the moon. It seemed he was just a few inches beyond the glass. How could something close if he was so far ...
Monday, April 9, 2007
How Do You Know You Ve Conceived
Roy Mustang was sitting in his office waiting for: the phone rang maybe or maybe something to happen important to deserve your attention or maybe he was thinking of ...
"Forget everything that happened between us was just a dream Colonel Mustang and dreams are forever about wake up and find someone that if you deserve it and maybe someday we will dream together again, but not is a promise, and with those words the blond boy boarded the train that began its march to an unknown destination. As
hurt Edward's departure, never imagining that it would last them forever, he knew that when you're young you think that all love is eternal but Edward was always different, their relationship was sexual just never felt love on the other, in fact ... never thought feel love for each other.
Roy spent his hands over his lips remembering the intoxicating taste of Edward's lips, if he was going to miss that taste, no doubt still miss everything about him. And worse: the feeling was mutual by the eldest son of Trisha: the national alchemist Edward Elric.
And is that who would say that Colonel Roy Mustang was so good to make you feel good?, A smile on the face of Edward whenever she recalled the way in which he and Roy had starting as his "RESPECT" ... if you can call it that way.
was a Saturday in the barracks after a posthumous training to the battle led by the homunculi, had been exhausting and Edward decided take a shower to cool, always liked to bathe with water to a frozen, until one could even say it was comforting to be in winter but this time he felt something warm behind him forced him to turn his gaze and found a Mustang under his uniform watering even trying to communicate your next mission under that water did make a gesture that sooner or later would try to kill this guy silly, but I see him naked was reacted with bright eyes and a grin that could melt to ice, ice your body now. There was also watching him and lowering his head to reach your lips and give way to a kiss best kiss of their lives. I remember like it was yesterday. Cursed
Endemodiadamente Elric was so beautiful, had not even been able to resist a brat as Elric. Question was still what it was that it had been besarlode that way, even thought that if they had left the bathroom immediately I had not done or had stopped eating fortune cookies with the rest of the army had not passed anything at all - a fist hit the desk and escpo tear from his eyes and rolled down his cheek, "but ... the truth, though difficult to accept, was that kiss was one of their most desperate desires from long ago. From the day in which he seemed to be more beautiful ... when he was just a child.
bastard "Edward murmured as he drew a transmutation circle in one of his books this and more was Roy Mustang, the co-ro-nel! every time they put these eyes of dying medium dog, that look of a child, so ... irresistible that could lead to death if they so wished Mustang. His bloody kisses, those who so enjoyed, those who had tested for the first time that unfortunate Saturday was undoubtedly the best moments of his life.
But ... the desire was gone to make way for love and that was something I will never accept ... neither. Both would prefer
froma amarc the flesh, in a way that did not link them romantically, they do not hurt when the deaque in which they would have had to let go.
also was another destination, something very different; and qe ewra certainly something starts hurting them to the most progundo of his soul.
After the recollections of meetings, the kiss and caress all teniea to get tears. Lagrimas
like that at this time were coming from the soul of Mustang is your office or who dropped leaning against a pole in the train station ... also reach repentance as Edward's feelings at this moment and is only Nostalgia in disguise to the point that wanted to get off at the next station and return to the side of the only person who never believed that love and was always falling in love, I felt guilty ... but ... promised not to return. Although Mustang promised never let him go, for the insurance was useless Edward was proud and haughty NEVER accept it, if told to do his life, would try to do it, promised not to return and not promises, no one had to be created hopes to recover on their own.
And while you are at the IDIA of not returning, the other was persuaded to go behind which was not any good. None
was going to give in, both would be missing me coming up with excuses for not returning, so as not to go after someone and left alone, losing the only thing I have never thought: Somebody to Love.
Friday, April 6, 2007
How To Cook Flounder On Stove
arriving in Margaret Atwood, who faces a single vegada fos to life:
favor of women
silly ... the cabezahuecas
the sinseso, dumb blondes, teens they are too dumb stubborn to heed their mothers
All those who have a head full of birds, lush waitresses
All that we want a good day and give us the wrong change while inspecting the hair in the mirror,
All they put out in the freshly washed poodle in the microwave
All those whose boyfriends tell them that chlorophyll gum is a contraceptive, and believe it;
All who bite their nails because they do not know if you piss or out of the pot,
All that dare not speak the word "piss",
All heartily laughing with silly jokes like this, but do not understand its meaning.
"Do not live in the real world," he repeated warmly, but what kind of criticism is that?
If they do not live in it, the better for them. We also prefer.
And indeed they do not live in it, because these women are pure fiction: a fiction usually made by others, but sometimes even by themselves, even
Although women are so silly silly as pretending to be, pretend to love.
Men love them because they make even the fools they are ready, the women, for the same reason, and because they remember all the nonsense that they have committed themselves,
But most of all because without them there would be no stories. There would
stories! There would be no stories! Imagine a world without stories!
Well, that's exactly what you would have, if all women were ready.
The wise virgins prepared and keep the lamps filled with oil, and the groom arrives properly, and calls the main gate to the dinner;
No noise, no nuts, nor history.
What can be said of the wise virgins, those paragons of the vapidity?
bite their tongue, they think what they will say, they sew their clothes, they reach a high professional recognition, they do everything well and effortlessly.
are unbearable in a sense: they have no vices narrative: his wise smile exude too much knowledge, know too much about us and our foolishness.
suspect that host a stingy heart.
are too smart, not for its own sake but for ours.
Virgins dumb, on the other hand, let them turn off the lamps, and when the groom comes and rings the bell, they are asleep in bed, and he has to enter through the window;
And people screaming and stumbles, and identities are confused, and there are
scenes of persecution, destruction, and much noise successful: none of this would happen if these girls would not be without a boil.
Ah, the Eternal Woman Silly! We enjoy talking about it:
When you listen to false stories of plausible snake, and a free sample just biting the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, causing the birth of Theology;
O misleading when you open the box containing all the ills of the world, but is stupid enough to believe that Hope is a relief. Talk
wolves, without knowing what kind of beast it is:
"Where have you been all my life?", Ask them. "Where have I been all my life?" She replies.
know! We know! And we recognize the essence of the wolf when we see it!
"Beware," he shouted in silence, thinking of all the reactions we would if we were smart instead.
But trapped in the white pages, she does not hear us,
And keep bouncing, and gurgling, and innocently moving toward its destination.
(Innocence. Maybe that's the key to stupidity, we say to ourselves, convinced that we lost long ago.)
If he manages to escape, is due to luck or the hero of the moment: this girl would not find out or a plastic bag.
Sometimes courage is stupid, on the other hand, may also be wary, but also stupid.
incestuous fathers persecute by the monasteries in ruins, who has been lured by scams that deceive a fawn.
mice make it scream I feel chills and chattering teeth in the face of world threats,
Run - but running involves the legs, is a graceless movement - and that, rather, runs away.
flees in terror, taking the wrong road at every turn, his white silk scarf stands out in the darkness, and fled with it.
Orphaned and raised by aunts petty, bad choices when it comes to marriage, and is forced to dodge ropes, knives, mad dogs, stone pots falling from the balcony, its head directed against husbands smoothies and wicked looking money and blood.
Do not feel sorry for them when you see helpless, wringing her hands:
Fear is your armor.
Let's face it, she is our inspiration! Teddy's muse!
And the source of inspiration for men! Why, if not, there are the sagas of heroes,
of divine powers, able to work supernatural
If it is to be admired by women considered foolish enough to believe them?
Where do five hundred years of love poems, not to mention those pathetic and plaintive ballads that are all moaning and shivering musical?
Aimed at women who are foolish enough to find them seductive!
When a lovely woman tilts up mad,
Boasting good intentions, their desire to please,
And she takes advantage of someone, usually famous, either stupid or intelligent,
She falls in their networks, such as classical novels,
And get their way to the headlines, bewildered and tearful,
And there goes straight to our hearts.
"I forgive!" Scream. "We understand! Keep it up some more! ".
lecteuse Hypocrite! Ma semblable! Ma soeur!
up the cudgels on behalf of the silly women, who have given us
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Medic Alert Bracelets For Epileptics
A place: The labyrinth of gardens.
gardens neoclassicistes Long live where lost (literally) and reconnect (sometimes). The Iker was a bit angry because the output (actually) I found myself, and because according to him, we found more intuitive than the irresistible power of our logical mind. Coming from a person who makes a doctorate of philosophy in the USA with a grant obtained through the dazzling power of his mind, a complaint is moderately understandable. The day was of the most beautiful and bucolic ideal for experiments and I have an photo next to the door that unfortunately has become a Chinese computer Montse.
A review: the BexBoy.
flagship magazine of gay porn drawn by Japanese women and for women, and exponent of that gay porn where men have no penis (how is this possible?, Tell, because in Japan, my dear it is, of possible), I was excited to have some of them on the shelves. Live, proved to be thicker and cheaper than expected. In the end, as he could not decide, I'm going to take two, one with Bukiyou na Silent on the cover (which is a comic I love, translated by Mochi Mochi, and another to cover Kamisama no Ude no Naka de , a comic about boys boarding school in a very strict Catholic who make things very, very ugly between them . I know that had the wrong BexBoy Gold to continue because it is stronger, and there are at least shadows of penises, drawn. Tell me phallic, ladies!
A photo of the classics of the penis without xicons BexBoy (not suitable for sensitive souls or minds balanced).
A scene that always made my day: typical phellem Lati to nowhere the Japanese yaoi. Because they do draw the penis, the sex scenes become of the most surreal. And then say that porn does not stimulate the imagination.
An artbook: the Infinity, the clamp
My initial plan was to continue when I went to buy BexBoy, I lacked the numbers of Humunculus , which is of a small publisher (Rapporteur World) and I have found here in Alicante, and stuffed the black Mokona. All this went to fret when I saw they had the Infinity X at a price relatively affordable (a little less than 40 euros). I tried to be strong and reasonable, and mature adults, because after all is an artbook, the look once and then spends a lifetime on the shelves, but a review of suikascented wrecked all my well-intentioned worries. I bought it. But while I was strong, and reasonable, and mature adult, and in return I did not buy the plush of Mokona or Humunculus . Otra vez will . In
continue when we leave, both the suikascented and I, we sat literally on the street in the middle of Via Laietana, we rip the plastic, and we looked at the illustration for illustration. Why will
m'emocione still very significant when I see this picture?
A fabric clothing: socks Japanese. The
nausica2 and sarie_gamgee me hard, with premeditation and treachery, a Japanese clothing store. Once more my ability to be strong and sensible and mature adult was placed tested and, surprisingly, I passed this test successfully. I resist the temptation to buy myself a real Japanese slippers (they were expensive.) I resist the temptation to buy a kimono (it was expensive). I resist the temptation to buy embroidered Japanese fabric (I did not ask the price because neither wanted to know).
However, I buy Japanese socks with a pattern of sakura (Cherry Blossoms), although I like to think they are almond blossoms that remind me of my land when he was not invaded by cement :
(my father says they are so beautiful that makes them hurt even released and I give him a little right)
Some objects useless: a bookplate and a newspaper
What is the best way to accept that yes, indeed, you were born, and you, and probably die to be a snob (besides the fact of drinking only the highest quality Chinese tea)?: Buy yourself a bookplate (which also do not know to use properly. Or I pass ink or me quede short). The
nausica2 and sarie_gamgee were so kind to bring me a Shop-paradise for geeks paper, where I became very mad and I bought three bookplates (one and two in stamp paper) and surprisingly I am using a newspaper.
Bookplates: two of them have art-deco designs hydrangeas are a few other shows, although this name with its so horrible, my favorite flowers along with the flowers of almond:
Books: manvellats or purchased, up the second hand!
The nausica2 and sarie_gamgee (again, and although it seems not only stayed there one day!) I took an endless library where I bought second hand The promised of Manzoni, the book of Feit philological edition and a delightful 1919 book on the history of England. Should I buy more books, especially propositional logic of a treaty made in the 30s and something of George Elliot, but in the end common sense and the fact that they only had one suitcase and I left to rule half the books that interested me the road.
Then as the evening, when the albaestranya joined us for tea and chocolate make a wonderful farm in the street Banys Nous, there was exchange of books. I stopped dancing the nausica2 first love and the sarie_gamgee , and left me to my Ship Ghosts of Spain which will begin soon if the job allows me.
Conclusion: that all this consumption desaforat and comics that I left suikascented , I had to borrow a another suitcase in order to return to Montserrat conditions: full but very happy. Very very happy. I had a really good on this trip. And so I want to thank all (Irene, Nuria, Mireia and Alba) for your hospitality in Barcelona. I am aware that this last sentence has been Queco a bit, but I'm equally. I was very excited to see you all. From really.
Until next time!.
Retirement Homes Hiring
Something healthy to occasionally when you are depressed is (re) read the biography of Wittgenstein (which could have been perfectly entitled The art of hiding a living ) and console-pensant you that, bé, you do not ets almenys Wittgenstein (faces that share vegades et semble seua torpesa mateixes emotional).